AirSolaris будет представлен на Всемирной Выставке в Милане


AirSolaris будет представлен на Всемирной Выставке в Милане
EnergySolaris c радостью объявляет о своем участии во Всемирной Выставке 2015 (Expo Milano 2015), проходящей в Милане под девизом «Накормить планету. Энергия для жизни».

Наше участие в выставке стало возможным благодаря поддержке со стороны Организации по Привлечению Инвестиций и Продвижению Экспорта в Молдове (MIEPO), отвечающей за павильон Республики Молдова.

С мая по октябрь выставку посетят более 20 миллионов гостей. Таким образом, EXPO-2015 является идеальной платформой для запуска дебютного продукта компании  AirSolaris – солнечно- воздушной системы 4-в-1, спроектированной и изготовленной в Молдове.

Впервые в одном солнечном коллекторе совмещены четыре функции: медленное приготовления пищи, сушка фруктов, обогрев помещений и управляемая вентиляция. Таким образом, система AirSolaris не только вписывается в основные темы выставки (продовольствие и энергетика), но и полностью соответствует девизу Expo Milano 2015 – «Накормить планету. Энергия для жизни».

Функциональный стенд EnergySolaris (фото ↑) будет установлен на открытом воздухе, в северо-восточной части первого собственного павильона Республики Молдова (видео ↓).

EnergySolaris приносит особую благодарность Доне Школа, директору MIEPO, Адриану Чофу и команде MIEPO,  Раду Балан, менеджеру проекта «Павильон Республики Молдова», художнику Павлу Брэила  и компании Gorgona (архитекторам павильона) за оказанную поддержку.

Компания EnergySolaris чрезвычайно признательна лицам, оказавшим финансовую поддержку данной инициативе.

EnergySolaris ищет партнеров для участия в этом уникальном мероприятии в течение всего периода проведения выставки.



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AirSolaris to be launched at World Expo in Milan

EnergySolaris is thrilled to announce its participation with the Moldova Pavilion at the upcoming World Expo Milano 2015: Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life.

This special opportunity is thanks to the vision and support of MIEPO (Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organisation), the part of the Moldovan Ministry of Economy responsible for Moldova’s participation.

With 20 million visitors expected between May and October, Expo 2015 is the perfect launchpad for the company’s debut product AirSolaris: a 4-in-1 Solar Air System, 100% designed and made in Moldova.

For the first time the functions of: 1) slow cooking, 2) fruit-drying, 3) space heating, and 4) controlled ventilation, are offered in a singular solar product, or any product for that matter.

AirSolaris not only fits both the food and the energy themes of the event, its fast-tracked development was inspired by the Expo 2015 theme itself: Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life.

The functional EnergySolaris display (see above) will be located outside at the North-East corner of Moldova’s first ever stand-alone pavilion at a World Expo (see video below).

EnergySolaris would like to give special thanks to Dona Scola (Director, MIEPO), Adrian Ciofu and the MIEPO team, Radu Balan (Moldova Pavilion Project Manager), Pavel Braila (visual artist) and Gorgona (architects), for their creative support.

The company is also extremely grateful to the kind individuals who have given and offered financial support towards this initiative.

EnergySolaris is seeking further partners to support its fullest participation in this unique 6-month event.

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AirSolaris to be launched at World Expo in Milan

EnergySolaris is thrilled to announce its participation with the Moldova Pavilion at the upcoming World Expo Milano 2015: Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life.

This special opportunity is thanks to the vision and support of MIEPO (Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organisation), the part of the Moldovan Ministry of Economy responsible for Moldova’s participation.

With 20 million visitors expected between May and October, Expo 2015 is the perfect launchpad for the company’s debut product AirSolaris: a 4-in-1 Solar Air System, 100% designed and made in Moldova.

For the first time the functions of: 1) slow cooking, 2) fruit-drying, 3) space heating, and 4) controlled ventilation, are offered in a singular solar product, or any product for that matter.

AirSolaris not only fits both the food and the energy themes of the event, its fast-tracked development was inspired by the Expo 2015 theme itself: Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life.

The functional EnergySolaris display (see above) will be located outside at the North-East corner of Moldova’s first ever stand-alone pavilion at a World Expo (see video below).

EnergySolaris would like to give special thanks to Dona Scola (Director, MIEPO), Adrian Ciofu and the MIEPO team, Radu Balan (Moldova Pavilion Project Manager), Pavel Braila (visual artist) and Gorgona (architects), for their creative support.

The company is also extremely grateful to the kind individuals who have given and offered financial support towards this initiative.

EnergySolaris is seeking further partners to support its fullest participation in this unique 6-month event.

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AirSolaris va fi lansat la World Expo Milano

Echipa EnergySolaris este încântată să anunțe participarea sa la World Expo Milano 2015: Hrană pentru Planetă, Energie pentru Viață în cadrul Pavilionului Moldovei.

Această oportunitate se datorează viziunii și susținerii din partea MIEPO (Organizația de Atragere a Investițiilor și Promovare a Exportului din Moldova), responsabilă de participarea Moldovei la acest eveniment.

Cu peste 20 mln. de vizitatori așteptați în perioada mai – octombrie, Expo 2015 reprezintă platforma ideală de lansare a primului produs al companiei – AirSolaris, un sistem „aer solar” 4-în-1, 100% proiectat și fabricat în Moldova.

În premieră, funcțiile de: 1) gătire lentă, 2) uscare de fructe, 3) încălzire a spațiului și 4) ventilare controlată sunt oferite într-un singur produs solar.

Dezvoltarea sistemului AirSolaris a fost inspirată de mottoul Expo 2015: Hrană pentru Planetă, Energie pentru Viață. Astfel, produsul se potrivește perfect atât cu tematica alimentației, cât și cu cea a energiei.

Standul funcțional EnergySolaris (imagine ↑) va fi amplasat în aer liber, în partea de Nord-Est a primului pavilion propriu al Moldovei la World Expo. (video ↓)

EnergySolaris aduce mulțumiri deosebite Donei Școla (Director, MIEPO), lui Adrian Ciofu și echipei MIEPO, lui Radu Balan (Managerul proiectului Pavilionul Moldovei), lui Pavel Brăila (artist vizual) și companiei Gorgona (arhitecții pavilionului) pentru susținerea acordată.

Compania este, de asemenea, extrem de recunoscătoare persoanelor care au oferit sprijin financiar pentru această inițiativă.

EnergySolaris este în căutare de noi parteneri în vederea susținerii unei participări comprehensive la acest eveniment unic cu durata de 6 luni.

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