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AirSolaris to be launched at World Expo in Milan

AirSolaris to be launched at World Expo in Milan EnergySolaris is thrilled to announce its participation with the Moldova Pavilion at the upcoming World Expo Milano 2015: Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life. This special opportunity is thanks to the vision and support of MIEPO (Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organisation), the part of the …


AirSolaris to be launched at World Expo in Milan

AirSolaris to be launched at World Expo in Milan EnergySolaris is thrilled to announce its participation with the Moldova Pavilion at the upcoming World Expo Milano 2015: Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life. This special opportunity is thanks to the vision and support of MIEPO (Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organisation), the part of the …


AirSolaris va fi lansat la World Expo Milano

AirSolaris va fi lansat la World Expo Milano Echipa EnergySolaris este încântată să anunțe participarea sa la World Expo Milano 2015: Hrană pentru Planetă, Energie pentru Viață în cadrul Pavilionului Moldovei. Această oportunitate se datorează viziunii și susținerii din partea MIEPO (Organizația de Atragere a Investițiilor și Promovare a Exportului din Moldova), responsabilă de participarea …


EnergySolaris wins ener2i innovation voucher

We are pleased to announce EnergySolaris has been awarded one of 11 ener2i innovation vouchers with a value of €4000. The EU funded project, ener2i, aims to initiate innovation projects in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, by providing direct financial support in an early stage of project development. Marina Horchin, our principal engineer, presented our project and …


EnergySolaris winter testing

  A first look at upcoming EnergySolaris products: solar air collector and prototype indoor module, during winter testing in Chisinau, Moldova (January 2015).  

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